Ubicoders - Robotics and AI, Coding, and Software Development!

You Should Know Docker

Start docker now. Docker turns a single development environment into a computer instance: a docker container! With this, you can develop multiple different apps without dependency conflicts!

Created by Elliot Lee
English [Auto]
What you'll learn

Docker Basics

  • 👉Introduction to Docker
  • 👉Docker image
  • 👉Docker container

Docker Advanced

  • 👉Docker volume
  • 👉Docker network
  • 👉Docker bind mount
  • 👉Docker compose
  • 👉Docker image build

Docker Use Cases

  • 👉Arduino IDE in Docker
  • 👉ROS in Docker
  • 👉PX4 in Docker
  • 👉Pocketbase (Headless CMS) in Docker

Best if you are
Beginners in Technology
Docker is a must-have skill for beginners in technology. It is a stepping stone to the world of containerization.
Software Developers and DevOps Engineers
Why development and deployment are so different? Docker makes it the same. Develop and deploy your application in the same environment.
Cloud Application Developers
Deploy your application to cloud as same as your local machine. Docker makes it possible.
Educators and Trainers
Need your students and clients to be on the same page? Docker is the answer. Share your environment with your team to be on the same page.

Common Questions

Course Contents

Preview the course contents to make sure if it's the right fit foryou.

#1:Arduino in Docker
#2:ROS2 & PX4 Autopilot
#4:Directus CMS backend
You Should Know Docker
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